Golestan Royal Palace of Tehran 400 years old attraction

Golestan Royal Palace of Tehran 400 years old attraction is one of the most unique palaces of Iran. Although the first buildings in this complex are from Safavid dynasty. But the first buildings that are still standing are from the time of Karim Khan of Zandieh dynasty. The name of Golestan roots from a royal hall at the time of Aqa Mohammad Khan of Qajar. The construction of building finished at the time of Fath Ali Shah of Qajar at 1801 AD.

The importance of Golestan complex gets more when Aqa Mohammad Khan was reigning the country. He move the capital to Tehran. He also held his coronation ceremony at the Golestan palace. After that it became the main palace of Qajar royal dynasty. Fath Ali Shah of Qajar also was had a glorious ceremony for his coronation in this place. The time of his ruling coincided with Napoleon’s and he was under influence of the European gifts and artwork. Aside from that he was very much interested in showing the glory of royalty.

The European influence became more prominent during the time of Nesr Aldin Shah of Qajar. At this time Golestan royal palace of Tehran changed a lot. The Qajar King was the first Iranian king who visited Europe. He had three trips to Europe. As a result of these trips he made many modifications inspired from European art and architecture. While the three last kings of Qajar were ruling Golestan palace didn’t change a lot. But it was amidst of many important historical events in Iranian history. For instance constitutional revolution.

Interior attractions of Golestan palce

There are also many attractions inside the Golestan palace. Including royal halls and museums. Royal halls like Salam which was the audience hall and Mirror hall with its glorious mirror work are two of them. The other famous piece of work is the marble throne. Fath Ali Shah ordered to build a throne which was always located at the Ivan. The Throne is very intricate artwork and its other name of it is Solomon throne. Shams Al-emareh palace may be the most famous building from Naser Aldin Shah of Qajar. It was the tallest building of the city at the time.

Golestan palace registered as a UNESCO world heritage site in the October of 2013.